Monday, January 18, 2010

The First Two Dinners

I should caveat that I decided to start this blog after the first two meals of the year. I have no pictures to document these experiments. But I did want to include the details about the meals.

Wednesday Night Dinner 1/6
Meal - Barbeque Chicken Pizza + brussel sprouts
Shopping - Whole Foods (whole wheat pizza crust, chicken, bbq sauce, cilantro, onion, brussel sprouts)
Prep and Eating - Jonny's apartment
Rating - B

We've been craving pizza a lot, so we decided to make it for our first dinner together. Plus it's a pretty easy endeavor, especially since we didn't do a lot of prep time before that night. It was easy to run to the store and grab pizza dough and toppings. Dave gave Jonny a recipe to make our own pizza dough - we're going to try that later, promise!.

The pizza turned out so so. Not our best effort ever. Some notes - add less salt and find a better bbq sauce (Whole Food's shopper favorite let us down).

On the up side, the brussel sprouts were good. We tried Kelda's recipe for a sauce to put over them (soy sauce & butter reduction). That was the highlight of the meal.

Wednesday Night Dinner 1/13
Meal - Tuna Salad Sandwich +chips & salsa + salad
Shopping - Molly Stones
Prep and Eating - Jonny's apartment
Rating - A

Jonny makes incredible tuna salad (sans mayonnaise) so he gets full credit for this meal. I was crazy busy at work, so he took care of everything - shopping, cooking & cleaning. I witnessed all of this with my computer in front of me. It was so nice to be pampered in this way (even better if I didn't have to work). I even got a lunch out of it - he made me a sandwich and chips that I ate on Thursday. It was an amazing treat for another hectic day at work.

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