Monday, January 18, 2010

2010 Resolutions

This blog is dedicated to our 2010 Resolution: Cooking dinner on Wednesday Nights. We're 3 for 3. Whoop, whoop. We decided on this resolution for a few reasons:

1. Improve our cooking skills. We both want to learn to be better cooks. I'm a self proclaimed sucky cook. Jonny's proving to be pretty impressive, and he's definitely interested in learning more about the subject. We both want to cook more so we can get a little bit closer to perfecting the skill (if that's even possible).
2. Be more money conscious. There are so many amazing restaurants in SF, it's easy to eat out all the time. Cooking is less expensive than going out to eat, right? We haven't mastered this one yet. Every time we go to the grocery store, we walk out with at least a $50 receipt, but we're hoping over time, that we'll be more responsible shoppers.
3. Spend quality time together. It's turning out to be a busy year, and Wednesday nights are the only night during the week we aren't already obligated to do something else. We see this as a good time to catch up, relax and bond. Here's to testing the old adage: Food brings people together.
4. Less talking. More doing. We talk a lot about what we'd like to do. Now we're following through with something we talk about a lot. It's a fun way to challenge ourselves.

So, here we go..chronicling a year of cooking. 1 meal a week.

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